Listen to our customers


Dear Takanori.

I was very pleased to receive my symbols.

I work in a tattoo and piercing parlor and the artists are very impressed with the quality of the translation Ihave been searching for long time for the proper translation of my phrase and I stumbled across your site, to me it was money well spent.

I am going to have the third style choice that consists of five symbols and reads :ra ku ja na i:the outline will be very helpful as we are going to use a no hard line style of tattooing to make it look like a brush stroke on the skin. We are going to it some time this comming week.

I would be honored to have my tattoo posted on your website. We are also giong to post on our own web site (

it will be under MATTS portfolio and my portfolio, by the way I use my middle name in every day conversation wich is "AL" so if you by chance pull up our site you'll find me under the retail part as AL.

So again thank you for the proper translation and as soon as I have the tattoo finished you will be the first ones to receive the photos.

You will be hearing from me very soon.



Thanks, so much for beautiful symbols!

I love them.. I sent them to the tatoo artist and am waiting for a reply to see if he can make the characters a little smaller to fit on the back of my neck, also with cherry blossom sprays around it or on the sides.

I will send you a picture when I have it done.. I had some reletives here visiting from Japan, I showed them your designs they thought they were beautiful.

My grandmother is Japanese, unfortunetly she is dying (maybe a few days left). This is why I thought of doing this. Thank You for your informative info.

I always look forward to reading it daily.



Dear Translation Team,

I received my translations on time and I am very happy with them. I am also
very pleased with the Dictionary! Thank you so much! I am going to use
them for a tatoo as soon as I can and I will send you pictures when it is
done. I have now moved your email address to my "safe" folder, so any other
email you want to send me will not go into "spam".

Thank you again,

Desiree Frost


Thank you... Thank you! You all rock! I love my symbols. I will send
pictures ASAP.


p.s. As a senior in high school, I had the amazing opportunity to visit
Japan with my hish school choir. I was, and still am, awed by the
hospitality and quiet grace of the Japanese people and am inspired by a
culture that selflessly promotes peace.


>hello! This is Christi Streed. I ordered some symbols from you regarding
motherhood and the symbol for the year of the sheep. the symbols were
great. My japanese coworker said they were accurate. I was researching
them for a tattoo. I will incorporate the motherhood symbol with the art
piece called," In the Well of the Great Wave of Kanagua". It will be on
my left upper arm. The start to my half sleeve. I will send pics as it
progresses.Thank you again! I found your website from Google. I was just
doing random keywords and up "you" popped!


I've received the translation you sent. Thank you.

I heard about your site on google, and plan on using the symbols in a
tattoo. I'd be glad to send you a picture when it's done.

Thanks, again,



I have received the symbols and I am very pleased. Thank you very much. I
will send pictures when tattoo is finished.

Kindest Regards,

Ellen Hardman


Thank you very much for the symbols
I was trying to find just the right symbols for my tattoo and when I saw
your site, I know just how to get the right ones. Thanks again and God


Dear Translation Team.....

Thank You so much for my 2 words. I am a sculpture artist and I am working
On a few pieces for an upcoming show. One piece involving crows is entitled
"CHOICE" and this kanji will be engraved on a tile at the back of the piece
As well as be painted on the cover of a little book that will accompany the
Sculpture. As for my name, I've always wanted to have a few different ways
to sign my name on my art from time to time, and I have always loved the
Beauty of the Kanji symbols......they are so mysterious and intriguing to us
westerners. I am a stickler for making sure that what ever I attach to
My art is genuine and true, therefore I appreciate your being able to help
Me convey my message properly......again Thank You! I love how they look,
And I'm so happy that I will not have this written out with the possibility
Of it meaning something other than what was intended. I found you on Google,
and might contact you again with a different project in the future. Your
Expertise is greatly appreciated. Continued good luck to you in all you do.


Melody Robichaud


Sorry about not replying before. I actually purchased it for my son who is
wanting to have his Japanese name tattooed onto his back. If he was
determined to do this, I wanted it done right. I googled for a Japanese
kanji translation site and found you. I am very pleased. It was very easy
to order it. Your free e-book about typical Samurai Kanji was very helpful
also because one of the characters, "Makoto" is my other son's name. I will
be ordering my daughter's name here soon because I want to copy them onto
high quality paper and frame them for my wall. My grandmother had given all
my children their Japanese names and it will be another good way to remember

Thank you
Adina Kelley


Thank you so much for all of your wonderful help! I have found the symbols
to be beautiful and meaningful to me. I have studied the Japanese language
as an art and the services that you have provided me with mean more than
words can describe. I have also found the amount of information that you
have provided me with to be very reassuring and also a wonderful learning
experience! I plan to use the beautiful design very soon and I will be sure
to send your team photographs. I also intend to make my friends, family, and
colleagues aware of your services and the quality of your work. I appreciate
everything you have done!
Marissa Gangone


Hi! I just wanted to thank you for your quick response. I am planning to use them as a tattoo. At this time I am looking into an artist to do the work and once I have the ink done I will send you a picture.
How I heard about you was through google. And I am glad that I choose you. I am very honored to have found you. My father was Japanese and passed away many years ago, so in this small way I am honoring him.
I will keep you posted and thank you again for your work on this



Dear Takanori,

I love the Japanese Name Symbols you sent! They are perfect, exactly what I was looking for. I know my friend will love them too. I can't wait to give them to him. I'm sorry I do not have my own website or blog, but I will definitely tell my friends
about your site. Again, Thank you so much for the great symbols!




Dear Takanori Tomita,

Thankyou very much for the beautiful translation of my daughters name.
I will be getting it as a tattoo soon and I will send you a photo when it is
done. Thankyou so much again.




Thank you for sending the symbols so promptly. My tattoo appointment is
tomorrow and was hoping to not have to reschedule. I have decided to go
with the first script. The style matches perfectly with my design. I
would be more than happy to send a photo and have no problem with you
displaying it because it will be an incredible tattoo.
This is a great service and was definitely worth the $. Certainly for
something that will be inked on me forever, it's reassuring to know I
have the right things in order. I did a general search and liked your
site the best and what you offered for the amount of $. It was fair.
Again, I appreciate your prompt return and will send a photo when the
tattoo has healed. Thank you so much.

Samara Noll



i just received the two sets of symbols and they look great. thanks!
my appointment for the tattoo is next week, so i will send you a
picture as soon as i can. i found a link to your site from a page on it was about kanji and the most popular symbols. there
were several links for people wanting to use japanese script for
tattoos and you were one of those links. i am really glad to have
found you and am going to take you site info with me to my appointment.
too many people are probably getting the wrong words inked on their
bodies for no good reason. plus, offering the outlines will my my
tattoo artist happy and save her time.

thanks again,


Dear Tomita-san

Thank you very much for your prompt reply. I did receive all of the
Japanese symbols and appreciated the extra steps you took for customer

I am also thankful for the book you will send me.

I will reply to your other e-mail shortly. Have a great weekend!



Dear Takanori,

thank you so much for translating for me. your e-mail asked if I would tell you what I am using the translation for.
I was in Yokosuka, Japan about 12 years ago. I was working for the u.s. navy then. I love your country and hope to return someday. while I was there I received a picture that I have hanging on my wall in my home. I thought some japanese symbols would look nice around the picture. I am a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ and thought what better symbols to have on my wall than His name. I will be cutting them from wood and hanging them on my wall near my japanese picture.
you also asked how I found your web site. I used the msn search and your web site was one of many.

this has been a very good experience for me, and I thank you very much for your translation work. I am very happy with my beautiful design.

Linda Byrne


Hello Takanori-san. :)

Thank you so much for sending me the 3 varieties of fonts for the
translation in Japanese kanjis of the name of Mifune Toshiro-san I've
ordered from you. I'm very satisfied with them. I plan on having
Mifune-san's name tattooed on my back as he is my favorite actor of all
time. I will send you a photo of my tattoo when it's done.

Thanks again!


P.S.: I discovered your site while browsing for Japanese fonts on



Thank you very much for the Kanji symbol translation. I intend to get it tattooed on my forearm, and yes, I will send you pictures when it is done.

I heard about you from a Google search.

Thanks again,



Dear DSFY,

Thank you so much help with everything. Please see my answers below:

1.The ordering system was quick and simple. There was a lot of very useful and helpful information for the customer to have a better understanding of the various Japanese translation.

2. Yes, I read the free report. It was really helpful. I never never there were 3 ways of Japanese writing and translation. I placed the order with DSFy because it was a simple, easy, non-confusing, welcoming, and information website. What really help were examples, photos, and testimonies from all the satisfied customers I ordered with DSFY because of the service, that any request and emails were answered within 48 hours. It was very helpful to have any questions answered and get the help that I needed. I have very impress and happy with your service!

3. I choose Japanese translation because I love the culture. I love Japanese Animae, Music, Fashion, etc. The characters itself are very beautiful and creative. =)

4. I found DSFY on yahoo and google. You guys are the best website out there! Thank you soon much. I will send pictures of my tattoo once it's completed. You have a great team and thank you so much for your amazing customer service!!!

Best Regards,


Comment 1 | Comment 2 | Comment 3 | Comments 4 | Comments 5 | Testimonials 6 | Comment 7 | Comment 8